I met my Savior in a Pentecostal church in Rockford, Illinois at the age of 23. Shortly after, I met a woman from Oregon named Rose. Her life showed her dedication and love for God Almighty. I wanted to learn more so I moved to her town. The Lord became so real to me in everyday life. My life changed from a path of sin to a path of being without sin. Jesus had become my brother and best friend. I did not want to disappoint Him, my Heavenly Father, or the Blessed Holy Ghost. I was very fortunate to have a job where I only had to work 4 days a week, 6 hours a day. So I had ample time to read the scriptures. I read the Bible, 1611 King James Version, an average of 5 hours a day. I studied his Word.
I met my wife Laurie at church when I was 29. We have been happily married for nearly 39 years. The Good Lord blessed us with three children that we raised in the fear of the Lord.
My Church encouraged me to get involved with the schools. I ran for a school board position and was elected. I served for 6 years during important times. I co-chaired a referenda committee that successfully passed two referenda. Thus the new science labs were constructed, and we were able to keep the quality of education we were used to.
In 2015, the newly elected mayor asked me to start a committee to save Conover Square. He told me that it was in danger of being shut down because the south wall was deteriorating badly. With my Church’s help we started Hands On Oregon. The Good Lord blessed the project and we were able to complete it in 2 years. That beautiful flag is a testimony to answered prayer. The wonderful donations from average people, the “best ever anonymous donor”, and good old fashioned hard work has accomplished this goal – to save Conover Square. Jesus says I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. His words decorate that wall. My Church paid for the cost of those words.
I proudly serve my Father, his only begotten Son Jesus and the blessed Holy Ghost. I highly honor my pastors Rev. Rose and Rev. Kale Aluli. I proudly serve the God that they serve. The Rick Ryland that this city knows is due to the mighty power of the blood of Jesus, the purifying fire of the Holy Ghost, the inspired teachings of Rev. Rose M. Aluli, and the counsel of her husband Rev. Kale F. Aluli. I thank my Father daily that he chose me to walk a sinless walk that I can actually attain, not just strive for. I have attained the place where I do not sin. It was achieved only by walking in obedience to His Spirit.
I am 68 years old now. I am ever thankful for the life that I have lived since age 23. I thank him that he has forgiven me of my past sins, and purified me by his Spirit that I do not sin. He meant what he said when he spoke, “Go and sin no more.” I thank him for his precious words written so long ago. I thank him that he speaks to me. I thank him that he makes himself so real to me. The scriptures are so alive today. My Father is alive and well and living in me.
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