I’m Laurie Ryland and I truly have a wonderful life.
I grew up in a loving, supportive Christian family but somehow I never really developed a personal relationship with God. And in time I even stopped believing in Him. I’m ashamed of the kind of life I lived during those years of unbelief, but am so thankful God saw fit to soften my hard heart and lead me to a group that gathered for Bible Studies in Oregon, Il. Those very genuine and truly dedicated people changed everything for me. Through that Bible Study group – which eventually became The Church of Jesus Christ Forever – I came to really know God for myself, to understand the truths of the Bible, to learn how to live a clean and holy life, and to experience the loving but painful chastening that is needed to bring the peaceable fruit of righteousness. (Hebrews 12:5-11) I changed from a selfish, proud, pleasure-seeker to a woman whose only desire was to be like Jesus Christ and to please the Father. I realized that my life belonged, not to me, but to the God who gave me life in the first place. This is my truth, my reality, my very being.
This summer, my husband Rick & I will have been married for 39 years. Like any marriage, there have been some ups & downs, but our love today is stronger than ever. He is my soulmate and I thank God every day for joining us. We were blessed with 3 children and we did our best to raise them to be kind, compassionate, honest, hard-working and God-loving. While it wasn’t easy seeing them suffer the effects of all the “cult” rumors during their school years, God did use the circumstance to make them stronger and more resilient.
I worked as a Certified Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse for nearly 43 years before retiring. It was a calling more than a job or career and it was a blessing to me to be able to impact so many lives – parents and babies – with compassion and healing touch.
The people in my Church are my best friends – we’ve been through a lot together. The love and support is endless, and I trust each one completely & unreservedly. The bond of unity is real because we all have the same goal and purpose – we never want to disappoint God in any way. We serve him happily and He blesses abundantly. Life is good!
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