If your heart is right, you are going to act right. It’s all in the heart. Get before God and ask him to root out and clean out and straighten out this heart, the inner man. If the inner man is right the outside will be right.
We have to let God move like he wants to move. A true church assures that the Holy Ghost has the preeminence over everything in the service.
The ministry is for the perfecting of the saints. In your time of stress if you don’t operate the gifts, you won’t be perfected to come in. You need to kick Satan off your back and get loose. That’s disobedience. God said to minister. Are you seeking the best gift?
We must minister and be ministered to by the Spirit. There can’t be one lacking. We must come in – to perfection – by the Spirit. The ministry of the Spirit is how we will be elevated into that place where the change can come to each of us individually.
Our hope is that we might go past this carnal flesh, this veil, so that we might go on into perfection, that beautiful place where nothing but the peace and the joy and the power of God is: that we might be a witness unto the world, that we might be a testimony unto the world, not that we want to be anything, but that he might become all in us, that he could minister with such freedom through these flesh bodies. So when you say, I come in the name of the Lord Jesus to help you, it is not us but it is him as he ministers through us.
A lack of ministry grieves God. If we’re too busy to seek God and wait on God so that he can show us what to do, then we’re just too busy. We’re robbing God. He’s invested his life in us by giving us the gifts of the Spirit, and it is our responsibility to use them. We grow because of the gifts of the Spirit. These gifts must be ministered. We must protect the gifts that are within us and use them to make sure that nothing robs the people. That’s a mortal sin in God’s sight – to withhold that which we owe God. We owe that for the salvation that we’ve received and for the Holy Ghost that we’ve received. We owe that ministry back to God. We must speak the word of God if we’re going to survive in these last days.
Ministry will not go forth in feeling like it has in the past, but will go forth in power and in glory.
The ministry of Jesus’ compassion is what you will go forth in. It will be a supernatural ministry, a ministry that is going to confound the world because they will see the results. Many people will be healed. There won’t have to be any laying on of hands. It will just happen, the compassion.
This is going to heal the whole person. It will be complete, the whole man. It will be so supernatural that the people will actually see a glow of light around those ministering. It is the pure ministry of Christ.
We have to go on into perfection and into the ministry that Christ has for us. Don’t think you can perfect yourself. You cannot. It’s going to come by prophecy and the other gifts of the Spirit, the ministry of the Spirit into your soul, not your flesh. We’re going into other realms above the gifts of the Spirit. God has an order in everything.
You need to move when God moves on you. He’ll give you just so much time to bring this ministry in. You have to perfect your ministries. You have to seek God until God moves upon you to perfect what he has called you to.
This is not just a church ministry. This that God is doing now is not in the church, it’s the kingdom. The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God. It will be a complete change. Didn’t Jesus pray, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”
This is the coming of a new day, a new ministry, a place where man can have the power of Christ to rule and reign and straighten this world out. That’s what the Sons are supposed to do.
As Sons, we have a perfect right to claim inheritance with Melchisedec: Genesis 14, Psalms 110, Hebrews 5,6,7, Revelation 1, 5.