Her Last Message
It has been a glorious October day. The fall colors of yellow, orange, and red are splendid and gorgeous in our valley. It is dusk. The geese swim, calm and serene. Our riverboat and restaurant are nestled in comfortable shadows as the sun sets near quiet waters. The river is still. Another perfect Autumn day.
With our week’s work done and our dinner finished, it is now our favorite evening, like the seventh day, the day of rest.
It is already dark as we enter our house of worship. There is a quiet hush as we sit. Here, as for so many years, we wait: there is the soft sound of the organ. We wait on the Spirit. The music lingers, almost floats.
The woman, so loved and cherished by her Church, holds the microphone. She is under the heavy anointing of the Spirit. Tonight she will tell us of the things that God has shown her, and what will befall our nation.
Rose begins
My first calling in God was to teach Bible prophecy. I taught Bible prophecy for years. I have some understanding of what the Lord is speaking to me. I don’t want to come in by myself. I want the Church with me. That’s why I was called to this little Church, that I might bring a people into the kingdom. I am not too shaken about you. I think you’re going to come in.
We may have to drag some of you a little, for a while – stir your hide up a little bit. I’m glad that you don’t run off and come to a dead end. I am glad that you seek, and know pretty strongly where you are going before you minister. I appreciate that, that you follow the Spirit. We could have a lot of goofy things happen here – the freedom that God has given us in the Spirit. I thank God for that.
As near as I can understand the Scriptures, we know that no man knoweth the hour nor the day of his coming, only the Father in heaven: not even Christ. I think the time is very short before we are going to see a great change in this Church and in our circumstances. I believe we will have atomic war — I believe we will. I think we will probably be caught unaware of what’s happening. I do believe (and I haven’t been reading any books; I believe because the Scriptures say that it will happen) that there will be one ruler over all the monies of the earth and all the kingdoms of the world. I do believe that if you don’t take the mark, you can neither buy nor sell, because that is Scripture. We all know this; and we don’t know what is going to happen. The businesses will all fail, if you don’t take the mark. We don’t plan on taking it.
God will take care of us supernaturally. He will give us life where no one can destroy you. That’s what it is all about. Things won’t be real rosy for quite a while. We’re going to suffer some, if we walk with God and stay true to him. You sure will be destroyed if you follow Satan, and go the way of the mark of the beast and things. We know that the money changers are already at work. Twenty, thirty, forty years ago, I taught this. I have waited for the conditions to get just right in the earth, so that we know the signs that the Lord told us to watch. He said to watch Israel. We are not to seek for a sign, because no sign will be given.
Just from the study of the Word of God, I know that this world is going to be in one mess before it gets any better. There will be destruction, destruction, destruction in the earth. We’re facing this. This is why I am getting so serious. We are facing this situation that is coming right around the corner.
As far as the timing the Lord has given me, it looks like, hoop-de-la, you better enjoy the 90’s while you’ve got them – up until the time of trouble. God won’t allow it to continue much longer in the state that it is in now. With all of the nations that are gathering together just exactly according to the Scriptures. All of it’s happening. In World War II, they thought that Hitler was the Antichrist and he was going to rule the world. It wasn’t ready; it wasn’t the time: he wasn’t the man.
Years ago, God would reveal things to me as a child. We knew some things that would happen in the earth, and we knew some Scriptures. Through the years, God has led me in this direction: to know the Scriptures. It’s alright to want to improve ourselves, and it’s alright to want to live better, and have better things. Don’t get hooked on it; don’t let it keep you from going the way that God is going to demand that we go: that is, to follow him in the wilderness to be tempted of Satan. You better learn how to fight him now. There won’t be any opportunity then. There won’t be any strength. You’ll fall by the wayside.
He has given us plenty of time to walk in obedience. If we’re not obedient, we’ll be left behind. He has demanded it. We must walk in obedience to the Spirit; keep our lives clean and free, and our lives totally dedicated to Christ: TOTALLY, without holding back one thing in our life. The will of God is the important thing. Without being in his perfect will, no man shall see God. We must be perfect in our service to the Lord: we have to be! We have to dig in and get a second hold on things, and walk.
I want to see every one of you come into life. I want to see you bring your families with you. Get a good grip on your children, Parents. Satan is a roaring lion that is going forth to destroy all the young people. He is doing a pretty good job, isn’t he? He’s doing a real good job. I am thankful for you young people. I want to see every one of you come into that place in God where you’ll live, and not die: where you’ll stand on the kingdom in this earth, as rulers, to reign in the earth as Christ. There will be no other power. Finally, it will be Christ and his people: as he indwells his people; as he fills his people with himself. They will rule and reign, him being our head, definitely. If you can fight with what I am saying, then you have to tear that page out of the Bible.
We’re not going to fly away to some sky somewhere. The earth was made for men. When you die, you’re put back in it again. You become part of the earth again. There is no place in the Scriptures, if you understand what the Scripture is saying, that says that you’re going to fly away some place, to some other planet. That has never been mentioned, where you’re going: only to be caught up with Christ. Paul says, “I was caught up in the Spirit, whether in the body or out of the body, I know not.” Almost every one of us, some time in our Christian lives are caught up in the Spirit. When you come out of it, you’re still right here. Paul saw heavenly visions. John, and all the heavenly visions that were seen by him, there are many things we could say on it.
God has brought this little bunch of nothings, like we are, into this little church, given to us supernaturally by the Spirit of God, that we might stay hid away, in this little house. God had shown me, someday, this will make a good office for the Church. It’s sufficient for now. He told me exactly how to build it: to the last boards, the lighting, and everything else. He knew just exactly what he wanted. I am not smart. It is the Spirit of the Lord that directed me in the building of this church. We used every piece of lumber; we didn’t waste anything. Everything that was good, we kept and used it.
I just want to encourage us to go on. Don’t ever think of taking a step backwards. You must go on. There is nothing back there in the world for you. There is nothing but sorrow for the world again. God will deliver his people. If we’re his people (and we are), and we walk in his ways, he will take care of us. He will feed us and care for us. He will give each one such power, you can call upon anything you want, and it will be there in your hands, because we will not be able to buy nor sell: that’s Scripture. If you can’t buy anything anywhere, and the system has all your money, you won’t have any money anyhow. How are you going to live, except the supernatural hand of God? Don’t be surprised, the things that God may use, for our very own survival. He will take care of us, 100 percent sure.
If you’re out in the world, following Satan, you will be destroyed. And then you’ll spend your time in hell, forever and ever. This earth will become a garden of Eden again, like God intended for mankind. Scripture says, “The glory of the Lord will cover the earth like the waters cover the sea.” Can you imagine what it will be like when you live in such bliss, to always have the glory of God with you? That’s worth fighting for. It’s worth giving your life for. He’ll expect just that. He will expect every bit of what I am saying, every bit of your life you have to dedicate to God. You can’t hold back one thing or you’re not worthy of Christ. You cannot have your own will. You cannot make your own way. You have to be led by the Spirit. I’ve proven him and tried him since I was a kid. He has never failed us. For some of us, those who have not made themselves ready – IF WE FAIL, there will be no loopholes. No extra dates that will open for certain people. No extra time to prepare.
To have the Lord’s presence and guidance all the way through, we don’t need to fear. Everything will work out if we’ll wait on God. We’re all called in this thing together. We’re either going to sink or swim. That’s not too hard, is it? Just walk, day by day, no matter how terrible it looks. God never failed. He will work it out for them who walk with him.
I’m sure it will be a great shock to the forces of evil when we are changed, from mortal to immortal, when they cannot destroy us. Immortal is forever. I’m sure that this is going to cause quite a stir in the earth, when we claim to be immortal. They’ll do everything they can to prove that we’re human. We will be human, but not flesh. It will be a new body in Christ. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. It will be great. God can put immortality on me in a split second. No matter what they try, God can keep me. Immortality cannot cover sin. We must be sinless.
There comes a time in our walk with the Lord, that we are the responsible one for certain things. Many times I would ask him about a situation, he would politely, but gently tell me, “That is your business, you take care of it.” He would let me make the decision. It’s a terrible responsibility. I know that is the place that I’m in now. Even in my own matters, he says, “You make the choice.” We come into a place of responsibility in God. It’s a pretty fearful thing to know that, I am responsible for the way I instruct you people. It’s my decision and I’ll answer for it. It’s a fearful place that we’re coming into. We’ll all come into it at one time or another because we have to be responsible for our own deeds before God.
The Lord had spoken way back (before I knew any of you even existed) about the people I would have, the kind of people I would have: a holy and righteous people. For years and years he spoke, long before we had the Church here. I know that there is a place of responsibility that is on every one of us, to be responsible for decisions you make with your children, for the way you direct your children. You have to be very careful, the decisions you make for them. You have to walk with God, in that place where you know what is right and what is wrong. You’ll feel it. If you just listen to the Holy Ghost, he will warn you every time about things. You’ll know in your heart. You won’t want to restrain them because you feel sorry for them. When you feel that in your heart, you’ve got to put your foot down. Say, “You can’t do this and you can’t do that.” I saved my kids from all kinds of disaster, because I would listen to the Spirit. It would just break their heart, and just break my heart because I couldn’t let them do some things. Nevertheless, I had to walk the way God had led me to walk. It’s no easy thing to raise a family in these wicked days – and these wicked times; when the power of Satan is just terrible – what terrible condition our world is in right now. God will destroy. He will destroy. America will be judged. Don’t you ever forget that: America will be judged for her sin. The only safe place from judgment is in God. It’s the only way he can protect us from destruction.
We’ll see things coming on the earth we never dreamed could happen. God is going to redo this earth; he is going to make it over. He is going to give it a new face. I heard tonight about the dunes around Denver, they’re like mountains. They found out that these sand dunes are filled with water. They say, they’re going to sell the water, pipe it down 200 miles. They’re going to pipe it and sell it. They’re in such a hurry to destroy this world. Do you know what is going to happen when the water that supports the sand goes? It will make that whole territory for hundreds of miles, nothing but sand – a wilderness where nothing will grow. Crops will be destroyed, farms will be destroyed; just a few good, strong wind storms come after that water is out, it will spread. They’re so anxious to rebuild this world. They’re probably going to live to see what God is going to do when he starts destroying. He said, “The mountains will be removed, and cast into the sea, and the sea will be dry land.” It’s all coming. There is only one safe place, that is to serve Christ. The Holy Ghost will direct you what to do and where to go to get out of it. I’m just saying how terrible the world is. They’re not only destroying the people of the world, but they’re destroying the earth itself. I was thinking one day, oil is under pressure in the ground. When they take more and more oil out, and burn the gasses out of the earth, the pressure underneath there to hold the world together: Someday something could happen. That’s empty space under us. You wonder why we’re going to have terrible earthquakes and things. It’ll just fall in.
God showed me that years ago, what was happening. That’s just a few of these things that are happening. If you go down very far it’s nothing but fire. Look at what comes out of these geysers and volcanoes. The core of earth is hell. That’s where hell is. It’s in the earth. He didn’t make a special place up in the sky for it, no more than he did for heaven. Earth is where man was made. Earth is where it’s all been concerning man. The world around us are spirits that we don’t see and are not aware of. We have to know, this earth is a temporary dwelling. The earth will always be here, but it will be changed. The whole earth will be changed. A new earth will come forth, made after the image of the first earth, and the garden of Eden. No matter what they teach you in school, they don’t know a thing about God. How are they going to reveal God’s secrets? If you know the Scriptures, you’ll know what I am saying is true. It’s all in the Word of God.
I know we have to walk as close as we can to God, and to do all he wants us to do, especially the young people: follow after the direction of God in your lives. Don’t follow after anything else, or after your own desires. You have to follow what the Lord wants you to do with your lives, or you’ll end up in this terrible mass destruction that is coming on the earth. It’s going to happen. They’re amazed now because they’re seeing chunks of ice come down that are as big as automobiles. They can’t understand what is happening. The Lord said he would send hailstones over one hundred pounds apiece. That’s what hailstones are going to be like in the last days. Can you imagine a house like this standing up under one hundred pound hail stones coming thousands of miles-an-hour out of the sky, hit something like this, that would be like paper. We’re in for some massive destruction in front of us. There is only one safe place: that’s in knowing the Lord and he’ll protect you. Nothing can harm you if you’re walking with God.
He will protect us and take care of us.
Rose speaking
November 4, 1991
We are facing the mark of the beast and the last days, the end times. God has told me that his people would be sent out when the nations are in a death grip. We will have unlimited power then. The message of the Kingdom – that you don’t have to die – will spread like wildfire.
Christ came to destroy the sinful nature that we are all born with, but he can only go as far as we let him. No matter what you’ve done, he will not cast you out. But if you are unwilling to let go of sin, he’ll burn it out of you with a fire so hot you’ll holler ‘Uncle.’
This is because we have calls on our lives.
November 18, 1991
Have you ever seen anybody shake their head in disgust until they spit and slobber all over themselves. I saw people – God said, When I do these miraculous things – that’s the effect on the Christian world, because they will not believe. They’ve got God in a little mold. Christ – through his blood – will be responsible for everything. If you feel hindered in your spirit, like you are beat down, you’ve got to know that it is Satan.
We’re in a period of growth where the Spirit and the fire of the Holy Ghost is sent to burn out of us these things he doesn’t want. But without the blood, we could never come into anything. We all fail, and we all make mistakes; but it is worse for you to not believe God than it is for you to fail in some things that we continue to fail in. The blood is well able to forgive. If you’ve done something wrong, stand up and be counted anyhow. One of these days, I will have to call some of you out, because you are in danger of being destroyed because of your tongues.
Love one another. BE patient. YOU might act worse if God put you through the fire they are going through.
December 2, 1991
I want you to get your families together and speak in tongues together. I mean it. If we don’t have the Holy Ghost, we have no power to resist Satan. I mean this. We have no power outside of the power of the Holy Ghost – in speaking in tongues. Satan knows that you have the authority. Make sure that your children have the Holy Ghost. I want the parents to get with your children and all of you speak in tongues together. You have to do it. You must do it. We are a weak and sick church if we’re going to deny the Holy Ghost that privilege of speaking together with the family in the home. And let the children minister to you, the parents, and you minister to your children. And I don’t mean just once. Practice that. You’ll see your whole family change, because the Holy Ghost will rule.
All night from the beginning of the service, I wanted to get all of the children together and have them all speak in tongues at the same time.
December 16, 1991
Those who are going on into Life will have to be stronger in faith than others. Why do we struggle so: can’t we believe that he’s called us to Perfection, and that his grace is sufficient? If we stumble, ask him to forgive us. The blood has not lost its power.
January 13, 1992
The Church would come through in great victory, and grow in number.
February 10, 1992
There is a beautiful, sweet spirit here tonight. Let’s not do anything that would hinder the sweet Spirit of Christ that’s moving in here tonight. The beautiful forgiveness and the love that is flowing tonight among each of us is here. Only his Spirit. We could talk all night and accomplish nothing, but it is only by his precious Spirit and by the power of his blood – and his Spirit – and of his love that brings us into this place.
At home, I saw a big sifter, and the Lord said he was sifting the Church. He showed me some of those that were left in the top as pure wheat. I know we have to go through the siftings, but he’s in charge.
Also at home, I went into a deep sleep, and the Lord woke me up and said, “There’s a conspiracy against the Church.” You people have to be wise. Whatever you hear, you’re going to have to weigh by the Spirit.
On March 22nd 1992, forty days later, Rose laid down her life knowing
The Conspiracy. The Sifting.
The Wheat
This was Roses’s last recorded message to her Church.
Delivered on the 7th of October, 1991