Hello my name is David Miller. I am going to take you on a road trip of how a boy turned into a man. A true testimony of how Jesus can change your Life no matter the circumstances; he is bigger than anything life throws at you. How can I say this? Because he did it for me! 1st stop is 1993, Oregon, Illinois.
I was born and raised in my church, my childhood not much different then most kids. I loved playing in the woods, riding my bike and working on my tree fort! I was the youngest of four. I had a pretty carefree life, not worried about anything. I did get in a bicycle accident when I was 10 and broke my jaw. I was in the hospital for 3 days. Someone in my church prayed that I would not have any pain and that they would take the pain for me! Well guess what…. I didn’t have any pain while I was in the hospital. I didn’t even take the pain killers that they gave me to take home after the operation. Thank the Lord for people like that! I believe the Lord was using this accident to wake me up, so that I wouldn’t only think about me and my life but to think about others. At this time I didn’t really have a relationship with Christ. But this is where the change started. Next stop is Kauai.
In 2005 my Dad, part owner in a construction company, had a job in Kauai, Hawaii!! The Lord opened doors to where he got more work so he decided to stay. My mom and I moved over in 2006. This is where big change happened for me. The Lord knows exactly what we need and what we need to change our wills to be more like Jesus! Through my Pastor Kale and our youth pastor and my Mom and Dad, great change happened in my life! This is where I really got my relationship with Christ! It was not all easy. I had many years of breaking my will and my pride and stubbornness. I was a spoiled, lazy kid! I thank the Father so much for changing me! Here I learned to love to work hard, love God, and love and think about others! Not about me! I would not trade those great years for anything. God has continued helping and guiding me every step of my life! What would we do with out his Holy Spirit? He has made me into a strong, happy, good person! Only because of him can I say this! He has taken my pride and self will out of me!
Because of God’s blessing I have been able to do a lot in my life: six cross country road trips that were a lot of fun, living in Hawaii, traveling back and forth to the mainland, putting the American flag on the side of Conover Square in Oregon. I love using my skill of building and remodeling homes to help my family and friends. All I am saying is I believe I have had a pretty good life so far. And I look forward to what he has for me in the future. I know God has blessed me and I am always thankful and happy for his love for me! I pray that I can help the youth to come to Christ and follow Christ the way I have been taught! Oh how Jesus loves it when a sinner repents of his sin and follows him! His sin never to be visited again!
In closing, I do not serve Jesus as a servant to his master but as a brother. I live my life the way I do because I want to make him happy! After all, he died on the cross for each one of us. The least I can do is live a clean and pure life before him. I love my Church and everyone that is in my Church! And I would do anything for them!
Can you say the same about your Church?
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